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The Inspired Mind coaching program creates effective, long lasting results through proven coaching techniques, successfully refined over a decade and more than 10,000 individual sessions. Emi empowers clients to transform their lives.

Inspired Mind coaching sessions are flexible, and customised to meet individual needs and circumstances – including frequency and length.

Contact to discuss how Inspired Mind coaching suits your needs.


What’s included in all coaching programs?

  • Free 45-minute Discovery session to identify your needs
  • Up to 50-minute personalised one on one coaching sessions (weekly, fortnightly or monthly)
  • Complimentary success worksheets.
  • Free Health assessment
  • Free session reports
  • Email, telephone, and text messaging support.
  • Follow up emails with notes and action plans.


Coaching sessions with Emi will explore your values: who you really are, what is important to you, and what you truly want out of your life. You will gain clarification on your goals and align with your authentic self to create true fulfilment and satisfaction. You will discover the challenges and roadblocks that tend to get in your way, and begin to overcome them to create the life you want — while reaching the results you desire.

Emi has created an action-oriented and solutions-based approach, wherein you are offered personalised, effective solutions that lead you to reaching your goals. Throughout the coaching sessions, you will develop confidence and self belief to thrive in your chosen path — while breaking through limiting beliefs and unlocking your potential, allowing you to achieve your goals faster, in every area of your life.

With daily support from your Certified Life Coach, Emi, you can clear your mind, break through old habits, clear beliefs that are holding you back, and create new behaviours. You will gain clarity, achieve positive changes, and begin to live the life you desire.




  • Inspiration to move forward and create your dreams
  • Confidence in your abilities
  • Empowerment to lead your own life and do whatever your heart desires
  • Stress reduction
  • Deep love within yourself and for the relationships you are in
  • Enthusiasm to take action in your world and move forward
  • Peace in your heart and mind that eliminate negative emotion
  • Trust your inner guidance and intuition
  • Feeling of fulfillment
  • Marked lessening of anxiety and increased energy for life
  • Healthy eating habit and weight control



Gain clarity about what you desire in life

Many people don’t know what they truly desire. You may have achieved a lot, but you feel stuck in the same place due to a lack of clarity. Your life coach will help you determine what is truly important to you, and where your core values lie, so that you can clearly identify the direction you wish to head in. Discovering your core values will align your mind, body, and spirit, and create a balanced life.

Identify blind spots and maintain a strong focus

We all have blind spots. A fresh perspective from your life coach will identify what you can’t see, and help you create a successful path together. This ensures you stay focused on what you need, and the steps to take, to maintain motivation and move forward. Ultimately, you will be able to achieve your goals faster.

Release negative emotions and mental blocks

Negative experiences in our past can cause great anxiety and fear moving forward, and these harmful thoughts and feelings can prevent us from reaching our goals. Through the coaching process, you will be able to establish a more positive mindset, while learning to be aware of negative thought patterns. You will discover how to reflect and learn from past experiences so you can grow, build your strengths, and develop a positive, healthy, and focused mind.

Make use of powerful coaching tools

Through Inspired Mind coaching, you will experience powerful reflection and transformation techniques. These help you become a better version of yourself, while empowering those around you to do the same — family, friends, and workmates.


How long do I need coaching for?

The length of coaching depends on where you are in your life and what you want to achieve. Some clients are working on a long-term project and need assistance along the way. Some clients might need it at certain periods and return when they are at another turning point in their lives. However, I recommend that you commit for a minimum of three months when you start getting coaching. If you are new to coaching, we offer a beginner’s program to start with. We can discuss what’s included and we can customise it for you.

How fast do I get the result? Does it work for me?

How fast you get the result depends on how passionate and diligent you are to achieve your goal.

The clients can get a rapid result if they

  • Commit and take immediate action
  • Have the right attitude and make an effort
  • Be open to new ideas and prepare to change the way they think

It works for everyone as long as you have a commitment and make an effort to fully engaged in the process. However, if you feel at any point in time that coaching is not working for you, I will provide you with a full refund.

What can I expect from a coaching session?

Coaching begins with a discovery session in which we look at what your values and strengths are and discover how we can use these to achieve what you are wanting in life. This is also an opportunity to become aware of anything you may feel missing in your life. You will be able to set goals and have strategies so that you are ready to take action and move forward in the process of achieving your goals. If you find any difficulties along the way, I can assist you with ways to remove blockages. You can also come with your own agenda to work on.

Can you help to release stress?

I have a variety of techniques to help you control your level of stress. Stress can affect your daily life and performance. There are steps I can help you to take to be in charge of your thoughts and to feel in control of your life.

How will you assist me?

100% service and commitment

I am committed to working with you until you achieve your goals. When you enquire, you will be responded within 24 hours.

100 % money guarantee

I guarantee that if you haven’t created positive changes within 12 weeks after implementing the lifestyle strategy and completing all of your action steps, I will refund your entire investment.


Anastasia Kalomallos

Hi, my name is Anastasia and I am aspiring to start my own business after working as an Executive in the Corporate world for over 20 years.

I met Emi in March 2020 and have been on her coaching program.  During this time I have not only been able to remove all these limiting beliefs I never knew I had, but I have been able to understand myself better – what drives me, my values, my goals and understand what triggers me. Emi has been wonderful and has kept me accountable towards reaching my goals and has provided me the opportunity to discover all these epiphanies about my life throughout the program. I found her program educational and throughout the program became more mindful of myself and changing towards a more positive mindset.


Thanks to Emi, I am now more aware of myself.  I am working towards setting up my own business that is aligned to my values and am super excited, motivated and charged.  I am moving closer to my goal each month and have even signed up my first client without even setting up my business properly. I am super charged and motivated to keep going and I know I have Emi on the sidelines cheering me on and keeping me accountable.

I would recommend to have a chat with Emi if you are feeling a bit lost, if you are seeking something more in life, need help with changing your mindset, career or any part of your life. Emi is easy to talk to and will help you find your way.

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